Indigo Is Missing
This family either has a missing member or they don’t know what colors make up the rainbow. In case you didn’t know, the ROYGBIV is an acronym for the colors of the rainbow, red, orange, yellow, blue, indigo and violet. As you may see in the picture, there’s one color missing in the outfits of the people in the photoshoot. Hopefully, the family has simply only forgotten that the rainbow has seven colors and not that a family member was left out.
How To Embarrass Your Cat
You know how cats can put up embarrassing attitudes and displays? their owners with their antics? Well, this time around, we think the owners have taken the place of the cats in that sense. We probably shouldn’t be speaking for the cat, but we think even the feline felt embarrassed for its humans here. We really wonder what they were trying to achieve here. Did this pair just do this on a whim or did they put some thought into this?