Food Health

Got Plant Milk? 16 types of plant milk to improve health and flavor


1—Almond milk

Let’s kick things off with a classic.

Cornering 63% of the plant-based milk market, almond milk is considered the most popular dairy alternative. This is interesting, once you have read about the rest of the milk options here!

Super light and slightly creamy, this milk is the foam king when it comes to coffee!

That’s right, all those pretty (and incredibly tasty) lattes you see posted all over social media, both hot and iced, can all be made with almond milk.

This nut milk creates a super stable foam to use atop your coffee, hot or cold.

Now, of course, you can simply add warmed almond milk to your hot coffee, or a splash of refrigerated almond milk to your iced coffee or cold brew, but if you’re really going for looks and desire a layer of smooth velvety foam to rest on top of your brew, almond milk consistently delivers!
