Food Lifehacks

Prevent Hair Loss By Eating These Foods


5. Carrots for Vitamin A


This is a fat-soluble nutrient that helps in the normal functioning of your body organs and the immune system generally. Foods that richly contain this are also rich in beta-carotenes which assist in cancer prevention and good eyesight. Well, Vitamin A will also help you slow down the process of hair loss. The best part is that you can get it from the most common foods such as sweet potatoes, carrots and spinach, among others. Just make sure you don’t take too much of it because it’s stored in the body and you don’t want it in toxic levels. It is also advisable to focus more on eating the raw sources of food because the more you cook the more you reduce the levels of beta-carotenes present in them.

6. Mushrooms and Salmon for Vitamin D


Our bodies make their own Vitamin D every time we step out into the sunshine. Unfortunately, not too many people like sitting out in the sun and the few that find themselves outdoors when the sun is nice and bright tend to wear sunscreen. Well, Vitamin D is also great if you want to keep your hair fuller. You do not have to rely solely on the sun for it. Eating foods like beef liver, egg yolks, salmon and tuna could help. Drinking milk, orange juice and cereals will also help.
